The attitude for achieving one's goal is to KNOW that nothing is impossible to those that believe. If you want to make your goals a reality you have to work hard in real life; that is the key to success. Be positive; don't let the negative talk of others bring you down; trust in yourself.
Tips on how to Achieve your goals.
Always think big
Your goals needs to be big. It needs to be something that is seemingly beyond your capabilities. But it also must be believable. You must be able to say that if certain things take place, if others help, if you work hard enough, though it is a big dream, it can still be done. Good example: A person with no college education can dream that he will build a $50 million-a-year company. That is big, but believable. Bad example: That a 90-year-old woman with arthritis will someday run a marathon in under three hours. It is big all right, but also impossible. She should instead focus on building a $50 million-a-year business!
Always speak it
One reason many dreams never go anywhere is because the dreamer keeps it all to himself. It is a quiet dream that only lives inside of his mind. The one who wants to achieve their goals must tell that goals to many people. One reason: As we continually say it, we begin to believe it more and more. If we are talking about it then it must be possible. Another reason: It holds us accountable. When we have told others, it spurs us on to actually doing it so we don’t look foolish.
Plan it
Every goals must take the form of a plan. The old saying that you “get what you plan for” is so true. Your dream won’t just happen. You need to sit down, on a regular basis, and plan out your strategy for achieving the dream. Think through all of the details. Break the whole plan down into small, workable parts. Then set a time frame for accomplishing each task on your “goal plan.”
Start working on it
wouldn’t life be grand if we could quit before this one! Unfortunately the successful are usually the hardest workers. While the rest of the world is sitting on their sofas watching reruns of Gilligan’s Island, achievers are working on their goal—achieving their dream. I have an equation that I work with: preparation meet Opportunity equals accomplishments. If you work on it each day, eventually you will achieve your goals.
Now I know how I can achieve my goals. Thanks for this.